Meet Ana Maria, your Business & Mindset Coach

About copal

Ana Maria is the Founder & CEO of Copal. She's a Business Strategy Coach, Serial Entrepreneur, Ex-Tech Exec (Uber) and Public Speaker.

Ana Maria has supported 100+ of entrepreneurs, business leaders, coaches, startups and change-makers globally to build businesses (and lives) they love. 

With a career spanning 20+ years across Tech, Marketing, Operations and Product for some of the world's leading companies including Uber, Ana Maria has supported launching and scaling products & businesses around the world to reach & impact millions. Her work and her client's products have been featured on Forbes, Fast Company, Vogue, among others.

In addition to delivering world-class results alongside her clients, using the Copal Activation Method, Ana Maria empowers leaders and entrepreneurs to embody their full power & greatness. What sets Ana Maria apart is that she combines world-class business strategies with energetics & mindset work, including neuroscience, neuroplasticity, regressions, breathwork, somatic and trauma healing, body/mind maturation for both with her clients and herself. By mixing both business & personal development, she has built systems to create unreasonable results, while feeling alive, creative, joyful and inspired.

If you're feeling the call for more, let's connect! 



  • Helped over 100+ leaders/entrepreneurs expand their business & life
  • Former Head of Platform @Uber (launched Uber’s Membership) 
  • Former Head of Product @Oye (JBalvin’s Wellness App)
  • Managed over $50M in advertising budget for brands like LVMH
  • Former founder of Techstars-backed startup, raised institutional investment
  • MBA from Oxford, Bachelors from Upenn (Ivy League) 
  • 2nd place in Ecuadorian National Swimming Championship 
  • Trained with personal transformation leaders including Joe Dispenza, Regan Hillyer and JuanPablo Barahona 
  • Certified in Energy Healing, Ontology, Trauma, Quantum Flow, Neuroscience, Neuroplasticity 
  • Overcame at least 5 burnouts (and cancer scare as a result) from living a high-achieving corporate life
  • Healed birth trauma that was affecting my ability to have meaningful and deep relationships 
  • Shifted focus on external achievements and validation to being inner led and guided


I was born in Quito, Ecuador and since I was a little girl I felt this deep longing and desire to change the world... 

On a quest to discover how, life has taken me to places like Philadelphia, New York, Bali, Chile, Austin, UK, Mexico and even Africa. 

I've sat in exec-level roles for some of the biggest companies in the world including Uber, led Product for startups like Oye, participated in world-class accelerator programs like Techstars... in other words, I know deeply what it's like to be an entrepreneur and a business leader.

My mission is to support visionary entrepreneurs, leaders and change-makers step into their power and gifts so we can change the world, together. 

After working with 100+ of entrepreneurs, business leaders, coaches, startups and changemakers globally and leading Product, Operations, Marketing for some of the biggest companies in the world including Uber, I’ve developed the Copal Method to help leaders like you build a business (and life) you love. 

The Copal Method has supported leaders across multiple industries including hospitality, biotech, tech, coaching to leap into what deep down they knew was possible because we believe that now more than ever we need visionary leaders to activate their superpowers and change the world.

Copal works because our focus uniquely combines business strategies WITH the inner energetic work.

While working in some of the biggest companies in the world who have access to any and all resources, strategies etc. they might possible, need, I got to experience first-hand how business strategies alone aren't enough.

Through this I learned that you can have the most amazing strategies, roadmaps and plans, but they won’t work if you or your team are feeling anxious, stressed, burned out.

Likewise, having the best energy and intentions isn’t enough if you don’t have a clear plan and roadmap, so at Copal we combine both. 

Beyond a business, Copal is my life's purpose: to take the lessons from my journey in business and my own inner work/ certifications to develop a Method that accelerates the empowerment and success of visionary entrepreneurs, change-makers and leaders and activates their superpowers to create a change. 

Now more than ever the world needs us so let's be of service, together.




"Copal has an uncanny ability to dislodge deep-rooted fears from the subconscious. My conversations have allowed me to come to terms with my power, potential, and ambition."

Esperanza de la fuente



"Working with Copal has been like rewiring my brain at levels that I would have never thought I could. I have felt extremely supported  in many aspects of my life and career. She is warm and caring"

Chloe Healy

"Copal is instantly warm and full of heart. She has a unique gift of being able to see you and help you gently break down the blocks that are preventing you from living the most authentic version of yourself. "

Ben sherman

bryony laylock

"I loved working with Copal…
She held space for me beautifully and listened deeply to hear what my soul and body were communicating, leading me in wisdom and tenderness from there."

Isabella Kornbleet

"I am forever grateful for the guidance, support and dedication that Copal provides me along my journey of living life aligned to my soul. Her ability to lead from the heart and remind me to live from mine is a skill like no other."

Success stories

Copal is a tree whose resin is used as incense. Copal serves as medicine for the soul and is used in Mesoamerican ceremonies as a mediator between the material and spiritual world.

Copal's mission is to serve as a bridge between Ancient Wisdom & New Technology to activate your full potential.